Dynamic Population Coding of Category Information in ITC and PFC
Ethan M. Meyers1,2, David J. Freedman3,4, Gabriel Kreiman2,5, Earl K. Miller1,3, Tomaso Poggio1,2
1. Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT;   2. The McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT;   3.  The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, RIKEN-MIT Neuroscience Research Center;  4.  Department of Neurobiology, The University of Chicago;  5.  Ophthalmology and Program in Neuroscience, Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School

Supplementary Web Material

       Comparison of different classifiers on decoding 'abstract' category information
       Comparison of different data normalization methods on decoding performance
       Decoding including and excluding neurons that have temporal trends over trials
'Abstract' Categorization
       Within-category decoding compared to mixed-category decoding
       Within-category identity decoding compared to mixed-category identity decoding
Model units analyses
       Decoding the outputs of computation model units for Serre et al. (2007)
Category Selective Index analyses
       Comparison of decoding results and the Category Selective Index results reported in Freedman et al. (2003)
      Movie of the correlation of the neural population to different images over time
      Movie showing the dynamic coding of category information
      Link to the Freedman et al. 2003 J. Neuroscience paper 
      Link to the Population Decoding Toolbox