Movie showing the correlation between the neural population response to different images

The movie below shows the correlation of the population response using all neurons in ITC (left) and PFC (right) to each of the 42 cat/dog images, through different time periods.   Each square in the image corresponds to the correlation between the population response to two images, with lighter values indicating positive correlations and darker values indicating negative correlations (note that all correlations between the same images have been set to the average correlation value so that they do not appear too bright in the movie).  The responses to each image are arranged in blocks based on the prototype images (e.g., c1 100%, c1 80%, ..., c2 100%, etc.).  At each time point the firing rates in 150ms bins are used, and each neuron has been z-score normalized across the 42 images, so that all neurons contribute equally to the correlation.  

When there are 6 blocks of lighter color displayed diagonally across the image (spanning the images derived from the 6 prototypes) this indicates that the dominant form of information is visual, and when there are 2 larger light blocks (spanning the two cat/dog categories), this indicates that the dominant form of information is more categorical.  From looking at the movie for ITC, one see that during the sample period the dominant form of information in visually based, and that during the response period, the dominant form of information is category based.  From looking the the PFC movie, one sees that the dominant form of information during the sample period is mixed between visual and category based, and that during the response period, that the dominated form of information is strongly category based.

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