Decoding category information from the Model units of Serre et al., (2007)

To test if the 'abstract' category information described in Figure 3 could be accounting for by visual image properties of the images, we applied the decoding methods to simulated neural responses created from the Model units described in Serre et al., 2007.  Decoding results from training on images derived from 2 dog and 2 cat prototypes and testing on the remaking cat and dog prototype (as was done in Fig. 3) are shown below for several different Model types.  The blue x's are the results from the 9 permutations of training and test prototype splits, the green boxes are the mean from these 9 runs, and the error bars are the standard deviations.  The right most column contains results from decoding the ITC neural data using one 150ms bin staring 100ms after stimulus onset (i.e., 600-750ms into the trial, where stimulus onset is at 500ms).  As can be seen, the neural data achieves a higher decoding performance than all the Model units types, and perhaps more significantly, results from the decoding the neural data are always above chance for all 9 permutations of the data.  These results suggest that the results reported in Figure 3 are due to ITC having more 'abstract' category information that is not directly inherent in the visual properties of the stimuli.
