Decoding including and excluding neurons that have temporal trends over trials

One of the preprocessing stages in the readout analysis was to remove all neurons that showed temporal trends over trials.  Neurons with nonstationary trends were defined as those neurons that had an average firing rate variance in 20 consecutive trials that was less than half the trial firing rate variance over the whole session. Because the stimuli were presented in random order, the average variance in 20 tirals should be roughtly equal to the variance over the whole session (and deviations from this suggest that there could be artificats in the firing rate due such factors are movement in the recoding electrode).  42 ITC and 34 PFC neurons met this trend criterion, and were excluded from the decoding analyses in the paper.  Below shows the results for decoding identity and category informatoin from ITC and PFC when these trends neurons were both included and excluded.  As can be seen, the decoding accuracies are usually slighly lower when the neurons with trends are included, however overall the pattern of results is very similar.  Also shown below are 4 random ITC and 4 random PFC neurons that were considered 'trend neurons' as defined by the criterion listed above (in order for the reader to get a sense of what the trends in the firing rates looked like).
