Movies showing dynamic coding of category information

The movies below show that 'abstract' category information is coded by changing patterns of neural activity that are time locked to the onset of the stimulus/trial (essentially this is Fig. 6C, and D in movie format).  The black non-changing curve in the movies show the decoding accuracy when the training and testing were done at the same time period (i.e., this is the same curves as shown in Fig. 3A).  The changing red curve shows the decoding accuracy when training with data at one particular time period and testing at all other times (the training time is indicated by the blue moving line segment at the bottom of the movie).  As can be seen, the best decoding accuracies for both ITC and PFC always occur when the training and testing are done at the same time period relative to stimulus/trial onset, indicating that information is coded by different patterns of activity at different time periods.  The dynamic nature of information coding is particular easy to see in the movie of PFC.
