Is there category information in ITC during the sample period?  A comparison of decoding analyses and the Category Selective Index analysis of Freedman et al. 2003

In the original paper of by Freedman et al. (2003) analyses of the data suggest that there is no category information in ITC during the sample period, and that category information does not appear in ITC until the delay period.  However in our new decoding based analyses, we find that there seems to be a significant amount of 'abstract' category information in ITC early in the sample period.  In order to understand the different conclusion obtained by these different analyses, we reexamined the category selective index (CSI) used by Freedman et al. (2003) in more detail.  The first difference between the original CSI analysis and the decoding analysis, is that in the CSI analysis, the firing rates were taken over much longer time periods; i.e., the sample period in the original analysis used firing rates averaged over 600ms starting 100ms after stimulus onset and ending 100ms after stimulus onset, compared to the decoding analysis in which firing rates in 150ms sliding bins were used.  From examining the decoding results (Fig. 3), it is clear that while early in the sample period decoding accuracies for abstract category information PFC and ITC approximately the same, later in the sample period (and for the rest of the trial), PFC has a larger amount of abstract category information than ITC.  Thus by using large time windows of analysis, the fact that ITC and PFC initially have the about same amount of abstract category information could not be seen in the original CSI analysis.

A second factor that contributed to this discrepancy in results is that in the original CSI analysis an ANOVA was first run to determine which neurons were visually selective, and then the CSI values from only these visually selective neurons were used in the subsequent statistical analyses.  However since ITC has many more visually selective neurons that are not category selective (particularly during the sample period when the stimuli were being shown), the results were biased by including a larger number of neurons in ITC  in these analyses.  Below is a plot of the CSI values for ITC and PFC using exactly the same parameters that were used  in the original Freedman et al. paper (i.e., using only visually selective neurons as determined by and ANOVA, and longer time bins), but we have sorted the CSI values and then plotting them as a function of their rank order of their category selectivity as determined by the CSI value.  As can be seen from the plot for the sample period, the neurons that have the highest CSI scores have approximately the same values for ITC and PFC.  However for ITC, there is a long tail of neurons that have CSI values that are close to zero (which are due to the large number of visually selective neurons that are not category selective).  Thus when statistics are done using all visually selective ITC neurons, the long tail of non-category selective neurons biases the results towards zero, making it seem like the population as a whole seem non-category selective.  This should be contrasted with the results from the delay and response periods in which the highest CSI values are larger for PFC than for ITC, and during these time periods the decoding analysis agrees with the CSI values in stating that there is more abstract category information in PFC than ITC. It should also be noted that the decoding analyses that used feature selection (see section title 'compact and redundant information' and Fig. 4), show that most of the abstract category information is contained in a small subset of neurons, thus calculating statistics based on larger populations can lead to incorrect conclusions.    Finally, if a t-test is run between the CSI values in ITC and PFC using all the neurons (not just the ANOVA visually selective neurons) during the sample period (and even using the same larger time bins used in the original paper by Freedman et al.), the p-value is .058, which fails to meet the typical alpha level of .05 (and this value would probably be even larger only the first half of the sample period was used in which the decoding analysis indicates there is no difference in the amount of category information between ITC and PFC).
