Comparison of different data normalizations

The results below show a comparison of decoding accuracies when the data has been not been normalized (green line), when each feature has been z-score normalized (blue line), and when each data point has been z-score normalized (magenta line), for ITC (upper figure) and PFC (lower figure);  by z-score normalization we mean that the data (i.e., feature or data point) has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.  As can be seen, slightly higher results are achieved when each feature has been normalized (blue line);  consequently this normalization was for all figures in the paper.  The fact that z-score normalization of features increases decoding performance show that the best results are achieved when each neuron is contributing equally, since z-score normalizing of features makes all the firing rate of all neurons (averaged over all stimuli) the same;  this reduces the impact of neurons that have high baseline firing rates, and increases the influence of lower firing rates neurons. All results are based on decoding basic sample-stimulus category information (the same type of information shown in Fig. 2B).   Data normalization parameters for the feature normalization (i.e,. mean and standard deviation) were gathered on the training set, and then applied to both the training and test data.  

Image comparing decoding accuracies for different normalizations in ITC

Image comparing decoding accuracies for different normalizations in PFC
