Figure S8.  Finer time course of abstract category information in ITC (blue), and PFC (red).  Results were obtain by decoding the abstract category information using a 50ms time bins, sampled at 5ms intervals, starting 25ms after sample-stimulus onset (525ms from the start of the trial). Between category morphs from the training and the test set were excluded for this analysis, because this extra visual information tended to make the results from ITC more variable (thus the results shown here are the same as the results shown in S4B, except with finer temporal resolution). As in figure 3 and in figure S4B, the results are the average over the 9 permutations of training and test sets, and the shaded regions are the standard deviations over the 9 permutations.  Results from this figure show no clear latency difference between ITC and PFC for the presence of abstract category information. 
