Figure S7.  Identity information is also coding by changing patterns of neural activity; although the code changes much less for identity information than for abstract category information (Figs. 4-5)    A, B, decoding of identity information for ITC and PFC respectively, when training and testing using data from different time periods relative to stimulus onset (i.e., these plots are the same as Figure 6 except they show the decoding of identity information).  Similar to figure 6, the results show that the best performance is along the diagonal, indicating a changing neural code with time.  However during the sample period, the code for identity information ITC changes less than seen in the abstract category information case (Fig. 6A), as indicated by the green square area around the diagonal.  C, D, decoding accuracies for identity information when eliminating the ‘best’ 64 neurons available at time period t1 (y-axis), and training and testing using all other neurons at time period t2 (x-axis), for ITC and PFC respectively (i.e., the same as Fig. 7, but for identity information).    The ‘best’ 64 identity-selective neurons were determined by applying an ANOVA on the training set.  As can be seen, there is some change in the ‘best’ identity neurons, however overall the neurons that contain identity information change much less with time than the neurons that contain the abstract category information (Fig. 7).
